Our latest project is aimed at empowering young girls through education. The work involves completion of a 10 classroom secondary school located in Gachsaran town of Kohkilooye and Booyer Ahmad. This project was originally kicked off in April 2018, founded by another organisation/sponsors, with the aim of constructing a substantial educational establishment in an area in desperate need of such a facility. Initially the construction work progressed well but unfortunately in summer 2020 the original project was abandoned by previous sponsors due to lack of funds. There is still a great need for this project to be completed urgently as there are a serious shortages of secondary schools for girls in this region.
FACE Foundation was approached by Naza Alakija, founder and CEO of S.A.G.E Innovation centre who expressed interest in promoting girls education in this region. Liaising closely with the Benevolent School Builders of Kohkilooye and Booyer Ahmad and our sponsor, details were discussed and finalised, resulting in a formal contract for the completion of the construction. The target completion date for the project is towards the end of summer 2021, providing educational facilities for 240 local girls for 2021/2022 academic year. The school will be named in local language 'Dabirestane Dokhtaraneh Setareh (Sima 1)', SETAREH HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS (FACE 1), named after the late great grandmother of our kind hearted and generous sponsor. The cost of completion of the project is estimated to be around £25,000 which is fully covered by S.A.G.E Innovation centre.
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