Mohamad Taghi Rezaei primary school is situated some 120 Km south of Isfahan in a remote village in Shahreza. Around 120 pupils aged between 6 to 11 attend the school for their essential primary education. The school building was in a desparate need for upgrade and revevation to make it possible for the students to carry on with their every day studies. Lack of services together with much needed building work, was brought up to the attention of FACE FOUNDATION and following a visit to the school, it was decided to raise the much needed funds to support this case. The actual building work started in August 2019 and completed at the end of September 2019 in time for the new academic year. The total cost was around 65MT in local curency. Following images show some of the work being conducted.
Capture 1 Taghi Rezaei.PNG
Capture 2 Taghi Rezaei.PNG